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 Georg's Girlfriend?

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PostSubject: Georg's Girlfriend?   Georg's Girlfriend? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 19, 2010 5:05 pm

I honestly don't know whether this is a recent picture or not, but I discovered this on Tumblr today:

Georg's Girlfriend? Tumblr10

What do you think? Georg's Girlfriend? Icon_bounce
I think it's adorable omg :3
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Forgotten Child

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Georg's Girlfriend? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Georg's Girlfriend?   Georg's Girlfriend? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 3:52 pm

Some people said it was from a old awards show.
I wish she would turn around anyway. :3
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Dog Unleashed

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PostSubject: Re: Georg's Girlfriend?   Georg's Girlfriend? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 22, 2010 7:00 pm

uhoudhfoaisdf that picture is way to cute, omg.
but who knows, didn't he say that he's had a gf for a few years in some interview from this year?
well, idc, it's just too cute. :333
I love you
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PostSubject: Re: Georg's Girlfriend?   Georg's Girlfriend? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 23, 2010 2:45 pm

Idk people are saying that this picture is pretty old, and I saw a picture on TokioSecrets with him and some other girl who might be his girlfriend. -shrugs- I just wish he'd show us who she was xD
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Dog Unleashed

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PostSubject: Re: Georg's Girlfriend?   Georg's Girlfriend? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 24, 2010 1:28 am

BellaxKaulitz wrote:
Idk people are saying that this picture is pretty old, and I saw a picture on TokioSecrets with him and some other girl who might be his girlfriend. -shrugs- I just wish he'd show us who she was xD

urgh me too. but then again i respect him wanting her to stay private,
because i think Geo knows how a good part of the fandom reacts when they think one of them has a ~*girlfriend*~,
even though he's confirmed this and all.
Neutral but 'dem tokio hotel fan bitches b crazay.
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PostSubject: Re: Georg's Girlfriend?   Georg's Girlfriend? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 24, 2010 1:33 am

lol what Kaylyn said. And that picture is pretty old. He still has a bit of chub on him :3
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PostSubject: Re: Georg's Girlfriend?   Georg's Girlfriend? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 24, 2010 2:51 am

kkaylyn wrote:
BellaxKaulitz wrote:
Idk people are saying that this picture is pretty old, and I saw a picture on TokioSecrets with him and some other girl who might be his girlfriend. -shrugs- I just wish he'd show us who she was xD

urgh me too. but then again i respect him wanting her to stay private,
because i think Geo knows how a good part of the fandom reacts when they think one of them has a ~*girlfriend*~,
even though he's confirmed this and all.
Neutral but 'dem tokio hotel fan bitches b crazay.

Mhm, I agree. Some "fans" are just fucking insane. I guess that's part of why he'd be hiding it too, cause I totally see some people wanting to kill his girlfriend -_- but that's totally understandable xD
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Dog Unleashed

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PostSubject: Re: Georg's Girlfriend?   Georg's Girlfriend? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 24, 2010 4:09 am

BellaxKaulitz wrote:
kkaylyn wrote:
BellaxKaulitz wrote:
Idk people are saying that this picture is pretty old, and I saw a picture on TokioSecrets with him and some other girl who might be his girlfriend. -shrugs- I just wish he'd show us who she was xD

urgh me too. but then again i respect him wanting her to stay private,
because i think Geo knows how a good part of the fandom reacts when they think one of them has a ~*girlfriend*~,
even though he's confirmed this and all.
Neutral but 'dem tokio hotel fan bitches b crazay.

Mhm, I agree. Some "fans" are just fucking insane. I guess that's part of why he'd be hiding it too, cause I totally see some people wanting to kill his girlfriend -_- but that's totally understandable xD

Lol, I only wonder what some of these people are gonna do when one/all of them get married.
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Forgotten Child

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PostSubject: Re: Georg's Girlfriend?   Georg's Girlfriend? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 25, 2010 5:54 am

I have this inkling that when the others get girlfriends they'll try to keep it private until it ends up that they can't and get caught (especially Bill and Tom. It'd be next to impossible to keep it secret because they're the ones mostly caught by paparazzi) like Georg.

Then, when it comes out that they have girlfriends you'll of course have the ones who say 'Good for them!' then the ones who go, 'Well I wish it was me, but still I'll be happy for them,' and then the crazy ones who go 'Wh*re, she just wants him for his money! She's so ugly too! Tom/Bill is supposed to be mine!'. It's happened before in this fandom. It'll happen again...

BUT I do want to finally see this mysterious girlfriend Georg has! Gahh he's good at this hiding thing! xD
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Dog Unleashed

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PostSubject: Re: Georg's Girlfriend?   Georg's Girlfriend? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 26, 2010 12:25 am

really i don't care, as long as Georg's happy and if this is the girl. DAMN THIS IS SO SWEET. my knees are melting hahahah
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Forgotten Child

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PostSubject: Re: Georg's Girlfriend?   Georg's Girlfriend? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 26, 2010 6:20 am

haha true, if she makes him happy, then we're happy for them Very Happy (especially in that picture Very Happy!).
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