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 Fashion Trends

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Phantom Rider
Phantom Rider

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PostSubject: Fashion Trends   Fashion Trends Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2010 10:43 am

Style Battle: Who Wears A Spiked Jacket The Best? Jason Derulo, Adam Lambert Or Bill Kaulitz?

Posted 17 hrs ago by Leslie Simon in Celebrity, Music, Style, Videos

Fashion Trends Jacket
Was there some kind of crazy fire sale on shoulder-spiked jackets that we weren't aware of? Because there's one particular blazer that seems to be making the rounds.
First off Adam Lambert. Dude LOVES a spiked jacket. He wore one during his infamous American Music Awards performance of "For Your Entertainment" and more recently in Tokyo. Then it showed up on the back of Tokio Hotel frontman Bill Kaulitz at the 60th San Remo Music Festival in Italy this past February.
Finally, recall that Jason Derulo donned a similar piece of outerwear for his appearance on "American Idol" last month and in his "Ridin' Solo" video.
Is the spiked jacket the new Internet? And, more importantly, who wore it better? Watch their videos while you decide...

Personally I am not crazy about the spikes but IMO Bill wears it best just for the simple fact that he is tall and lanky.
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PostSubject: Re: Fashion Trends   Fashion Trends Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2010 11:00 am

Ofcourse Bill, idk, he does it well, but so does Adam, when he's not wearing those shitty tights.
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PostSubject: Re: Fashion Trends   Fashion Trends Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2010 6:52 pm

i think jason's jacket is the best looking, because it's more understated. bill's is just too overdone i think. and the fact that he's so small kinda makes it overpower him. especially with no big hairstyle to counteract it. i like adam's as second place
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Phantom Rider
Phantom Rider

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PostSubject: Re: Fashion Trends   Fashion Trends Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2010 8:31 pm

manzini wrote:
i think jason's jacket is the best looking, because it's more understated. bill's is just too overdone i think. and the fact that he's so small kinda makes it overpower him. especially with no big hairstyle to counteract it. i like adam's as second place

I disagree with you. In fashion there are a few rules I read in Cosmo once upon a time and the one that has always stuck with me is to choose one focal point. In Bill's case, the jacket is the statement. Had he worn his big hair, it would've been a bit too much. Like Adam. Between the hair, the jacket and the pants I just can't concentrate nor appreciate anything.
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PostSubject: Re: Fashion Trends   Fashion Trends Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2010 8:37 pm

haha was that the time that Adam wore those terrible tights? Eeep.
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PostSubject: Re: Fashion Trends   Fashion Trends Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2010 8:47 pm

Phantom Rider wrote:
manzini wrote:
i think jason's jacket is the best looking, because it's more understated. bill's is just too overdone i think. and the fact that he's so small kinda makes it overpower him. especially with no big hairstyle to counteract it. i like adam's as second place

I disagree with you. In fashion there are a few rules I read in Cosmo once upon a time and the one that has always stuck with me is to choose one focal point. In Bill's case, the jacket is the statement. Had he worn his big hair, it would've been a bit too much. Like Adam. Between the hair, the jacket and the pants I just can't concentrate nor appreciate anything.

oh well idk just different preferences i guess.

though i don't think adam's hair is any more distracting than bill's is. they pretty much have the same type of thing going on in those pictures.
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Phantom Rider
Phantom Rider

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PostSubject: Re: Fashion Trends   Fashion Trends Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2010 8:51 pm

manzini wrote:
Phantom Rider wrote:
manzini wrote:
i think jason's jacket is the best looking, because it's more understated. bill's is just too overdone i think. and the fact that he's so small kinda makes it overpower him. especially with no big hairstyle to counteract it. i like adam's as second place

I disagree with you. In fashion there are a few rules I read in Cosmo once upon a time and the one that has always stuck with me is to choose one focal point. In Bill's case, the jacket is the statement. Had he worn his big hair, it would've been a bit too much. Like Adam. Between the hair, the jacket and the pants I just can't concentrate nor appreciate anything.

oh well idk just different preferences i guess.

though i don't think adam's hair is any more distracting than bill's is. they pretty much have the same type of thing going on in those pictures.

guess it is the too much at the same time thing. IMO Adam, because he has a bigger frame, needs to be careful not to wear too much at the same time.
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