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 Promotional video from one our favorites, Billenia17 :)

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Promotional video from one our favorites, Billenia17 :) Empty
PostSubject: Promotional video from one our favorites, Billenia17 :)   Promotional video from one our favorites, Billenia17 :) Icon_minitimeSat Apr 17, 2010 3:14 pm

I'm sure most of you Tokio Hotel fans have seen Billenia17's videos around. If you haven't, I just posted one of them. Her work is amazing.
That being said, we are extremely excited to say that she decided to make a promotional video for the site.

She wants us to be very specific with what we want, and because we are all about sharing, we decided to get you guys involved and ask for suggestions and ideas.
You can send them to my,
or preferably, just leave the suggestions here.

Thanks for your time, RadioHysteriax3 Wink
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Join date : 2010-03-29
Age : 74

Promotional video from one our favorites, Billenia17 :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Promotional video from one our favorites, Billenia17 :)   Promotional video from one our favorites, Billenia17 :) Icon_minitimeSat Apr 17, 2010 3:26 pm

that's great! can't wait to see it! Smile
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Promotional video from one our favorites, Billenia17 :)
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