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PostSubject: GoodbyeHumanoidCity!   GoodbyeHumanoidCity! Icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 3:42 pm

One thought ran through my mind all day; Today is the last day of the Welcome to Humanoid City Tour.

I started liking Tokio Hotel a few months before the Humanoid album came out.
Pretty much when they resurfaced. News were starting to com out, blah, blah, blah.
So really, I never had to go through a "withdrawal" period. Now I find myself thinking,
"What the heck am I going to do NOW?" I'm not necessarily upset, because God
forbid anyone be upset(sorry, some idiotic comment I read), just kind of wondering
what's going to happen now.
I run a Kaulitz Twins Tumblelog, along with a Georg one, and well, this Tokio Hotel forum.
I pretty much look forward to pictures, videos, and news to post.
You might say I'm obsessed.
I am, but not in a, "I'll follow you until you love me, pa-pa-pa-razzi"(....okay, got carried away there XD)
Just in a "they're my favorite band and they're amazing" way.
I'm just hoping that after they do the promotion in Taiwan, and Asia in general,
they finally decided to come here again. Yes, I went to a signing, thanks to my amazing mother,
but nothing compares to experiencing concerts, and I still haven't gotten to do that with Tokio Hotel. Bummer.

So basically, Good-Bye, Humanoid City, and welcome to the new possibilities Wink
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PostSubject: Re: GoodbyeHumanoidCity!   GoodbyeHumanoidCity! Icon_minitimeSun Apr 18, 2010 4:06 am

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Forgotten Child

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PostSubject: Re: GoodbyeHumanoidCity!   GoodbyeHumanoidCity! Icon_minitimeSun Apr 18, 2010 1:59 pm

I'm pretty new to the fandom, which doesn't mean you can make judgements because I love it as much as anybody else.
I haven't gotten money to buy the posters & braclets yet.
I do have a few of the CD's, which is fine by me.
The only thing that really bothers me is when somebody makes fun of the fandom, music, or guys.
I get super upset.
Anyway, I'm sad that the Humanoid City tour is over because I didn't get to see/experience it. And I usually move onto new obsessions pretty fast, but I think TH is going to stay in my heart for a while.
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PostSubject: Re: GoodbyeHumanoidCity!   GoodbyeHumanoidCity! Icon_minitimeSun Apr 18, 2010 2:03 pm

xxkatt wrote:
I'm pretty new to the fandom, which doesn't mean you can make judgements because I love it as much as anybody else.
I haven't gotten money to buy the posters & braclets yet.
I do have a few of the CD's, which is fine by me.
The only thing that really bothers me is when somebody makes fun of the fandom, music, or guys.
I get super upset.
Anyway, I'm sad that the Humanoid City tour is over because I didn't get to see/experience it. And I usually move onto new obsessions pretty fast, but I think TH is going to stay in my heart for a while.
This pretty much how I feel. Sometimes, I do make fun of the fandom because it DOES get a little crazy, but whatever, that's what makes it the Tokio Hotel fandom.
I hope you can eventually buy the merch Smile
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Phantom Rider
Phantom Rider

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PostSubject: Re: GoodbyeHumanoidCity!   GoodbyeHumanoidCity! Icon_minitimeSun Apr 18, 2010 4:47 pm

I do hope that what B17 told me is true and the band is coming to the US after their summer festivals gigs in Europe.
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Dog Unleashed

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PostSubject: Re: GoodbyeHumanoidCity!   GoodbyeHumanoidCity! Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 8:04 am

urgh. don't get me wrong, i really love Tokio Hotel but the humanoid tour is just like NOTHING to me. I mean, they've changed and its their choice. Here, its global crisis but its also the time that they put so much money on their tour. I mean come on the stage i know it cost so much so its like they're not experiencing crisis. Of course they aren't they're rich. But you kow i'm glad that tour is over Smile)

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Forgotten Child

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PostSubject: Re: GoodbyeHumanoidCity!   GoodbyeHumanoidCity! Icon_minitimeSat Apr 24, 2010 5:00 am

xxkatt wrote:
I'm pretty new to the fandom, which doesn't mean you can make judgements because I love it as much as anybody else.
I haven't gotten money to buy the posters & braclets yet.
I do have a few of the CD's, which is fine by me.
The only thing that really bothers me is when somebody makes fun of the fandom, music, or guys.
I get super upset.
Anyway, I'm sad that the Humanoid City tour is over because I didn't get to see/experience it. And I usually move onto new obsessions pretty fast, but I think TH is going to stay in my heart for a while.

No one should make fun of anyone because they haven't been a fan for long, I hate when people do that to me in other fandoms, like Green Day - not that I haven't been a fan for long there, but I'm younger than all of those who got to know them in the 90's and therefore blame me-and generally the younger generation-that GD makes 'shittyassmusic'.
Okay, lol, OT a bit :'D
but trust me; about the 'getting upset when someone disses them' it'll pass eventually. You'll learn that the more you fight back, the more fun it is for the ones who make fun of them. and believe me, three years ago, if someone told me 'Bill is gay' I would've ripped their heads off. but now I don't really care. The only thing that can upset me is when people tell me that I'm not a fan. and man, that pisses me off :'D
oh well, long talk about nothing really GoodbyeHumanoidCity! Icon_razz
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Forgotten Child

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PostSubject: Re: GoodbyeHumanoidCity!   GoodbyeHumanoidCity! Icon_minitimeSat Apr 24, 2010 5:01 am

RadioHysteriax3 wrote:
Sometimes, I do make fun of the fandom because it DOES get a little crazy, but whatever, that's what makes it the Tokio Hotel fandom.

Genau :'D
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PostSubject: Re: GoodbyeHumanoidCity!   GoodbyeHumanoidCity! Icon_minitime

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